Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back/Hammies and Macros

only working sets

Wide Grip Pullups - BW x 12, BW x 12, BW x 10
Db Rows - 80 x 12, 90 x 10, 90 x 10, 60 x failure
Smith Machine BB Rows *underhand grip, body more upright - 135 x 10, 155 x 8, 155 x 10, 135 x failure
Deadlifts - 275 x 11, 315 x 5, 315 x 5, 235 x failure, 235 x failure
Seated Leg Curls - 100 x 10, 110 x 8, 120 x 7, 70 x failure
Lying Single Leg Curls - 20 x 12, 20 x 12 *No rest between sets

I was watching a Charles Glass hamstring training video and he was advocating light weight while really trying to curl the weight (not sure how to explain this but the video showed what he meant) and for higher reps. Holy ! My hams were fried. He was giving little tips like when doing lying leg curls to tighten the lower abs which takes alot of stress off the lower back and puts it all on the hams. He was even saying to have the quads come off the bench at the top of the movement and that really killed the hams. Anyway, real good muscle/mind.

I also had another question....can i do my leg/refeed every Saturday? I just love having the freedom to eat higher carbs and more cals on Saturday + being able to work out later gives me more energy for my leg workout. This means i will be hitting one other bodypart 2x a week but i believe that it will be a different bodypart every week.

Also my 4 day split is coming to an end. What did you have in mind next?


Calories: 2,384, Protein: 224.5g, Carbs: 224.4g, Fats: 59.9g

I am really leaning out. Had my refeed Saturday and yesterday came in around 162.4 lbs. This AM i'm already at last week's weigh in. Big week this week! I feel it.

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